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《英语(新目标)》九年级Unit 3教学设计及评析

2014-09-02 22:04:56


1.教学内容:Book5 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

2.教学方法和目标:通过集体讨论的形式, 谈论一下学校制度或家庭制度, 以练习“允许做某事”(allow somebody to do something ) “应该被允许做某事”(should be allowed to do something )的用法。


4.能力目标:能正确使用情态动词和含有情态动词的被动语态(should be allowed to do something )结构表达自己对事情的看法和观点。

5.探究活动(任务):结合班上的实际情况,分小组分别讨论,编写 一份行之有效的、受同学们欢迎和认可的班级规章制度,并与其他小组进行比较和修改,最后将之作为正式的班规张贴起来。



T:Do you love our class?


T:Did you do anything bad for our class?Do you have any bad manners?


T:Can you say something about it? (学生七嘴八舌地议论起来。)

S:Some students often make noises.

S:Someone sleeps in class.

S:Someone is often late for school.

S:Someone often throws litter on the ground of our classroom.

S:someone often draws on the wall and make it very dirty.

( 一些基础差的学生也谈论起来,只不过他们用中文,英语好的学生帮助他们用英语表达。)


T:What should you do to make our class better?Discuss in groups.

(全班分成9个小组,每组有6 个人,人人参与,各抒己见。小组长主持并作笔录。教师巡查指导) 以下是第一小组的讨论情景。

Group 1

S:I think students should keep quiet in class.

S:I agree with you.We should listen to the teacher carefully.Students shouldn’t be allowed to make noise in the classroom.

Group Leader:Have you ever been sleeping in class?(问一个上课经常睡觉的学生) Do you know “sleep ”?(做睡觉状)

S:(不好意思地说):Yes.yes, sometimes…

Group Leader :What should you do from now on?

S:No sleep.(其他组员帮他纠正。)

Ss:Are you sure you will not sleep in class?We don’t think you should be allowed to sleep in class from now on.(大家鼓掌认可 ,那位同学红着脸表示接受。)

Group Leader :Do you know who often throws the rubbish in the classroom or from the window? (随手做扔垃圾状。)

Ss:He —(大家都指着一位男生) You shouldn’t be allowed to throw the rubbish anywhere.You will be a good student if you don’t do that again!

S;Sorry, anyone is not allowed to litter anywhere and I want to be a good student!(鼓掌通过)



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