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2019-12-11 14:31:43

Taro new student

Last year, mom took a few taro to come to Changsha, I am not disrelished delicious, throw it in case of a paper in paper case. This year. Taro sprouted, say to cannot eat on the book. I and grandfather thought a way. Plant the sweet potato that sent shoot in flowerpot.

Spent some of time, taro grows tender pages, verdure is dark green, place on the balcony, extremely lovely, everyday, when I do not have a thing, go up in the drop in tender leaf a few water, water boils to boil in tender leaf, general like pearl, extremely interesting.

Listen to a grandfather to say, to the autumn when OK still a lot of taro darling come to gouge.

Actually, the life has a lot of thing and do not imagine like us so flooey. Want to agree to think only, evildoing often can become an act of charity.



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