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The Voice of America_英语作文100字

2019-12-12 05:00:01

The Voice of America

Last night, after eating the dinner, I felt so bored, so I opened my computer and found some amusement. Then I saw the show The Voice of America. As the show of choosing singers became so popular today, so I was so curious and tried to figure out why this show was so popular. On the first stage, the famous super stars as the mentors would turn their backs to the singers, they would turned once they wanted singers. So there only the beautiful voice that could attract the mentors’ attention, the outlook was ignored. When all the mentors got the full members, they would coach the members and helped them to competer for the champion. I think it is a good show, it gives people a fair chance to improve their talent. The singers will not refused by their homely outlook.


The Attractive Translators

In general, a person with beautiful face is always thought to be incapable. In China, it has been said that a girl who has the long hair is not that knowledgeable, so in people’s eye, appearance and ability seem to be seperated. While in fact, there are some people break the rule. Every year, people will find some beautiful faces in the forums, these ladies work as the translators and catch the media’s attention. As a translator who is from Foreign Ministry, it means that she is the top students in the college, for there only few person can join the team. These girls are young and beautiful, but the more important thing is that they get the brain. They are doing the most difficulty job and they are the excellent team. I admire these girls so much, they set the good example for me to learn English well.




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