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2019-12-12 20:00:01

The grandma did boiling water of one caldron fish today, had tasted! I eat voraciously ah eat, eat the meat above piscine abdomen first, eat the meat above piscine tail again... abrupt, a small fish bone card was in in my throat, if pinprick is general, I cried afflictively. I exert all my strength skip ah skip, fish bone does not agree to go down; I exert all my strength cough ah cough, fish bone does not agree to come out, I ate the cracker of a lot of again, it still is illegallied or forcibly occupy over, make me painful extremely. Later, I am thirsty, drank a bottle of water, discover fish bone disappeared suddenly! The effect that looking still is water is big!

I also do not have piscine tail again.



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