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Auld Lang Syne_初中英语作文

2019-12-17 10:15:01

Some things, some things over, but friendship stays the same. This sentence reminds me of my best friend, it is friendship let we was like peas and carrots. Experienced many frustrations, over how many valley, he and I together has experienced six years of primary school, six years is not long, but I can't think of the memories. This don't for a year, however, I still keep in touch with him. Memories of the past, let I don't think he has the courage, so the battle righteousness.

He is a man who have a passion for kung fu, a class is practicing kung fu. I received his influence began to learn this. I also know that he practiced kung fu is not only in order to keep fit, he said, he is going to defend the motherland. In the hot sun, emitting a bright light on his face, he is like a sunflower, as he can from morning till night to the sun, because of his dedication, the result of the unremitting efforts! He has successfully now, however, are among the best grades, sports outstanding miyoshi students. Consider again, I don't know when to talk with him is the language communication, but also spiritual enjoyment. This is also his brave, battle righteousness.【趣文网 www.qwen.cn】

Words, can stand up in a crisis of a friend is a friend indeed. He is like this, when I encounter bullying, he stood up, fight with those bad guy for me, I help him, in our cooperation, the group of bad guys can't again come, then how proud, what a joy. One student in the class always with him, and he often quarrel, I helped him out of danger, the liberation of his heart, many times I comfort and encourage him, saw his victory, I feel the hand have lingering fragrance. That a student, see the however, laughs at us, we have a little small misunderstanding, but there is one, let me know friends need to tolerance, understanding, accept. We, all the time in the glow of your friendship.

Heard his father bought a new house, he moved, I think it is a pity, perhaps he could no longer see changed, and I was and he lives very near to me, I used to look for him to play, but a move now, how can we have a meeting. Now, the house is to decorate good, you can check in. He called me - he did not move, his father agree he lived it. It is too good, he didn't move for me, is really make me moved. I believe that the friendship can let us together forever.

Once, on the way home, I rode my bicycle through his village, I saw he was on the balcony, I stopped, shouted the name -- he heard, also excited shouted my name, I'm very excited: "too good, I finally see you." He said: "yesterday I also dreamed that will see you today, so he saw, it's really a heaven help us. Yeah! I from home on the way of thinking, you are more than brave, how the battle righteousness, the friendship between you and me is infinite good, between you and me have to talk about, I care all the time. Friendship let we was like peas and carrots.



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