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Should the undergraduate keep pets in dormitory?_大学生在宿舍养宠物好不

2019-12-17 22:15:01

Should the undergraduate keep pets in dormitory?_大学生在宿舍养宠物好不好议论文作文250字

If we look through some news about the undergraduate on the net,we can find that a large number of students keep pets in their dormitory.Students feed a great diversity of pets,such as cat、dog、hamster、snake and so on.Facing this hot topic on the internet,people hold different ideas.

Some people disagree this fact of keeping pets in dormitory,they think the dormitory is public space, students should build a good dormitory environment,the presence of the pet can increase of security risk. In the meantime the reason people object to keeping pets is because many students will abandon their pet after they graduate from the university,so that many university have a large number of stray pets.

Other people think that students keep the pets in dormitory should not be condemned.They think the student have the right of keep pets and many pets won’t be have negative effects on other students in dormitory.

In my opinion,if the university allows the students keep pets and the dormitory have the proper condition,the students can keep pets in the dormitory.If the university prohibits keeping pets or other roommates are disagree with keeping pets, the student can’t broke the rule.All in all,when we do something,we should proceed from the reality.




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