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2019-12-18 11:30:01

Rising and falling. Tactfully. Lithe and graceful. Wanton.

The Christmas song. Ethereal tunes flies over the city, with elegant notes, slowly flowing blessings fill in dreams. The deer car sled carrying the blessing of Jesus leisurely.

My city without snow all over the sky, also cannot see the swirl of snow for Christmas and falling from heaven, like a grand stage of death. This is not, of course, is not a good thing, the white snow Light splashing always ACTS add some sad, for some wonderful night before Christmas, I just need to see the fireworks bloom, short blossom a beautiful appearance, was already enough I cherish little happiness throughout the winter.

Always so comfortable and pleasant impression of Christmas. No winter chills at impression of December, there is only the warmth of spring. Primary school the last bunch of plum flower open, open in the club should open festival of Christmas.

Every day, no matter who you are, always littered with CARDS on the table, write full blessing of the statement. The distance by color crayon daub, deserve to go up swirl of snow, giving the innocence of the Christmas holiday. After school, the students are in the stalls buy ribbons, balloons, risking snow to adorn the classroom and through each section. Lose the dignity of the old school, instead of Christmas atmosphere, and the Ann mi of quiet, elegant fragrance... 【趣文网 www.qwen.cn】

Nowhere in the season of the plum flower open, there is no joy, after the daily fierce competition in the brain. Elementary school white Christmas, everybody together, inside and outside in the classroom with ribbon flowers, to come to school partners also is always laughter buried. The smile is not April fool's day, the smile is not for children's smile, nor the pride of victory self-centered. Look at piles of CARDS on the desk and fellow goes "st Christmas happiness", a stream of home inns into heart, feel warm. This western flower festival, estimated in east Asia, is no different.

Oh, Christmas, the immigrants of the west, you have how many laughter on a new generation of young people? When you are snow, wintersweet open quietly, silently. You are the wind, without a trace is set off the laughter of the festival. You are still pure heart, in the increasingly, the brighter the corner more dirty. You play in the snow childish smile, patches of snow melting, melt deep in the hearts of people. Her name is Christmas, she had some brilliant Engraved in my heart. Remember her appearance, even remember her smile. In quiet and tastefully laid out and the atmosphere of Christmas past, who won't be affected? Vaguely remember that laughter along with the wintersweet, along with the wintersweet falls.

I love you, Christmas.

Each set off a joyous Christmas throttle exquisite glittering Christmas tree; Small tree of the elk seems to welcome our arrival; Spray on the pillars, is done with Christmas flowers overflowing with the words "merry Christmas", let us more fully realize the Christmas spirit is everywhere...

Snow White, green trees, the liner the sequoia hao must love the old man, however, safe driving a car eaters, bring the all people!

When people revel lust, for short love, go to church! Jesus and christians will use love to meet you, he will give you eternal love!



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