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The Old Man and the Sea_老人与海读后感600字

2019-12-20 02:45:02

The old man and the sea "is a novel written by American writer Hemingway, an old fisherman named Santiago eighty-four consecutive days did not catch a fish, although he has grey-haired, but he refused to admit defeat, still full of fighting spirit. At his insistence, finally in eighty-fifth days caught a one thousand and five hundred pound fish, eighteen feet long, the fish pulled the old man boat into the sea to swim, in no water and no food, no tools and peer predicament, the old man is still in the fight with the big fish, two days later he finally killed the fish, but also attracted many sharks, although he waged a fierce battle with the sharks, but he managed to get the big fish eat shark, the old man had to go home with the rest of the fish bones.

After reading the novel, I was deeply moved by the old man, and some people may think that the old man's behavior is very stupid, in the "no harvest" days can still hold on. Moreover, the old man was fortunate enough to have a big fish after a fierce struggle and was eaten by sharks, and what the old man had done before seemed meaningless to them. But in my opinion, the old man is admirable. First of all, the old man was very patient, and for the long days he did not reap anything. Even if he was laughed at, he persisted. Finally, his perseverance came in, but he had to fight the big fish. In the process, he was the only one on the ship. From the spiritual point of view, he was lonely, and there was no food on the ship, and his body could not support him any longer. In the physical and mental torture, he still persevered, and this is what I admire most of him.

I feel the same about the old man. In junior high school, we have to reform the sports running, long-distance running, for no movement of the cells for me, it is a bolt from the blue. When I first started, I was far from perfect. For me, it is to get out of class to tell some fantastic tales, most students are an easy job to do. If in sports in this regard with others widen the gap, he may also be very sorry. So I decided to practice long-distance running, maybe I could sprint the full score on the day of the exam. So in addition to the provisions of the morning school every day after school every day I ran outside, to walk a few laps around the track and field.

Distance examination and more than a year, long distance is really very strenuous, every time run out in a sweat does not say, for my poor people, running really very hard, from the beginning of the second lap breathing difficulties, when there are half circle of people want to fall to the ground, but also to be speed run, sprinting throat like something off, as if next second there is something to be poured out. But I still insist on, and finally to the examination day, although I tried my best, but still a little bit out of full marks. Know the moment of achievement, tears involuntarily in the eyes of the rotation, in mind, before the efforts are in vain?. Now, Zhang Sijia feels that his efforts are not without progress. At least I have made great progress.

Maybe sometimes, in the eyes of others, you insist on things is meaningless, but not all things can be accomplished, there must be a long process, through the long process, even if not successful, but they also can get to it.




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