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Madame Bovary_包法利夫人读后感800字

2019-12-20 09:15:01

The novel tells the story of a married woman unwilling to remain out of the limelight seeking affairs, stimulation, was eventually forced to die Dutch act the story of debt. Some critics say, Mrs. Bovary due to improper education, a daughter of the rich peasants into the city's Monastery, learning the piano, painting, poetry (rather than work), childhood education and city life, give the illusion of perfect love in Elmar's mind, can't stand mediocre marriage, dull life, regardless of the actual pursuit of romance, excitement, luxury, a passion for life, and eventually lead to tragedy. In fact, even the affair, preservation time is very short, the first lover Elmar soon tired of her appointment to elope one day before the letter Elmar betrayed her, the blow almost let Mrs. Bovary. The dating of second lovers was more frantic and extravagant, but soon both sides were tired of each other, but they were just not willing to mention it. Elmar forgot his wife's duties and obligations as obligations as a mother, eventually left the destruction.

After seeing Mrs. Bovary in the near future, I could not be calm for a long time, and there was a poor lady's face in front of my eyes. When I closed my eyes, I was again thinking of her journey from purity to depravity to self destruction, and everything was so startling. Yes, maybe Mrs. Bovary is to blame, but think carefully, but the fact that she is the victim of society, millions of women's portrayal of real life. Author Gustave Flaubert is through this Mrs Bovary, expose the capitalist society harm to the human soul, corrosion, even devour human evil nature.

The heroine, Emma, was originally an innocent and lovely girl. Her father had sent her to the monastery of Leon to study the aristocracy of her daughter. There, Emma always full of love and desire, and after a prince charming life together. It can be said that the education of the monastery at this time has slowly corroded the pure spirit of Emma. Later, she was married to a country doctor who had just died and became Mrs. Bovary with a longing for love. At first she thought it was the kind of romantic life she was pursuing. But for a long time, she became more and more unable to bear this ordinary day. In particular, she found her married man is not the ideal prince of white horse. It is undeniable that Dr. Bovary is incompetent and insensitive, but he really loves his wife. So when he saw him finally knowing the truth and died of depression, I was filled with infinite sympathy for him.

The important thing is that he has changed the writing of all novels that realism has been since Balzac. It provides another practical possibility for the novel. The innovation of the novel technique has prepared the necessary conditions for the rebirth of the novel. The word existence is more than a substitute for reality. A beautiful story is just a gorgeous coat of the novel. So when I read Mrs. Bovary, it was in a cloudy afternoon in May and the world was green outside the house in May. I remember the first time I read the book, the joy of the case. In addition to the tragic fate of the heroine's lament, presumably also contains a kind of singular beauty of the language of happiness.

There is always a difference between reality and ideal. When the reality in the ideal is different, we should not attribute it to the arrangement of fate. When we have setbacks or accidents, maybe this is the chance God gives us a change of mind. In the flourishing and vanity, you may forget your face. But to know what you have and cherish what you have gained, do not always fall into the illusion of no result, to spend time.


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