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problems and advice_问题和建议作文200字

2019-12-26 10:45:02

Paul has a lot of problems in english, so he need help.First he can't get the pronunciation right ,we know this mistake we all make ,so the teacher say:listening can help him,and he also can listen english songs and rideo,he can repeat the sentences time to time .Second he alwaya forgets a lot of new words,so he can always write new words in his notebook and study them at home,and review.Third,he can't always understand when people talk to him,teacher tell him to join an english language club to practice speaking.It can improve his speaking.Last ,he doesn't get much writing practice,so he can find a pen pal to practice writing,when he do that,i think he will write so better. If Paul try doing these,his english active will be better and better,connect the life with english,he will be success.




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