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A Midsummer Night's Dream_仲夏夜之梦读后感500字

2019-12-26 17:45:01

Shakespeare has many works, and the reason why he chose "midsummer night's dream" is derived from some complex feelings. Simple complex can decide a lot of things. Midsummer nights are simple, simple characters, simple dialogues, simple pleasures, simple humour. In my personal opinion, I only regard midsummer night as a funny, funny, warm and sweet drama. And, only when the "Midsummer Night Dream" is vividly shown, the charming scenery in Tuscany, the mysterious forest of the mountain flowers, the mysterious forest of the elves, the unique scene arrangement, is the incomparable in the script, and it makes people feel the integration of the works.

Helena's loveliest place is still in her infatuation and constancy of love. No matter how intimidating and threatening her, she never gives up her love and persists in following him, as she says, "you attract me to follow you, your hard magnet!" But what you attract is not iron, because my heart is as strong as steel. Her infatuation moved Ci Wang O Brown, and the elves of the king forced her to use the sap of the lazy flower to help her in the eyes of Demetrius, trying to reverse her lover's abandonment by another symmetrical arrangement of 22 pairs of lovers, lahdard and haenna, haimia and Demetrius. The role of the exchange between the complicated and confusing. The story of the play takes place between the city and the forest, between wakefulness and sleep, between reality and dream, and the structure is very symmetrical. Forests, sleep or dreams symbolize the subconscious mind. Cities and sobriety symbolize intelligence and reality as 22 contrasting elements. Theseus in charge of the reality of Athens City, representing the order of social mechanism and social operation, can resolve all conflicts. Oblong is the dream of the king of the forest, representing passion, anxiety, confusion, uncontrolled, many unpredictable factors, even a misplaced crisis, as if it is a disturbing dream, time and space is very different from the real world.

At the beginning of the drama, the two heroes of Dimitli J and La sander loved Helena's friend Hemia, and Helena was the object of being abandoned. At the climax of the drama, the two heroes fell in love with Helena when they were teased by a group of immortals in the forest. So dramatic, like Shakespeare's dream for a girl like Helena. It is true that we can have such a day to become a person who is in love with all the people, to become the most jealous person of their own, and to fall in love with them without any effort.

This is Savon's few comedy, lively and beautiful, perhaps deeply moved by the full explanation of love, and don't forget to laugh with the people. Although it is "the play of the emperor's noblemen", it also lets people see the world of omnipresent love - boundless and boundless, to thank Shakespeare for such a beautiful ending. Let us know that love will never end, love will be persistent, love will be stubborn, love will be bitter, love will perpetual.




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