趣文网 > 小学生作文 > 节日作文 > 关于清明节的作文


2019-12-26 13:30:01


Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, I got up early, put on uniforms, wearing a red scarf, came to school early. After school, the teacher let us lined up, listening to the president's speech, we set off together. Today the weather is good, sunny, warm spring breeze blowing in the face, warm comfortable, we row tidy team, holding a red flag, under the guidance of the teacher, to Wenshan to sweep the tombs, I looked back and saw the team, Wang Budao edge.


It's a long way, but we do not feel tired, went to Wenshan, we first to the martyrs martyrs oath, and with his own hands to do small white flowers. And sing a song for martyrs. Finally, the teacher took us to visit the museum, posed for pictures, the time off really fast, imperceptibly to noon, my mother to take me home, I also really a little be reluctant to part.



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