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the picture of dorian gray_道林格雷的画像英语读后感400字

2019-12-27 12:30:01

The story tells the story of a young and handsome young Dorian Dorian Gray, when he first arrived in London, a young, shy, shyness young man, and a painter friend Howard drew a portrait for him. Dorian Gray, a natural and beautiful man, saw a portrait of a person as big as a real person, found his amazing beauty, and listened to Lord Henry Wharton's bragging, began to die for her life, and felt miserable for a long time, expressing the hope that the portrait could bear the burden of time and soul for himself. And let himself stay young and beautiful forever. His desire to fantasize later came to an inexplicable realization. There is a huge secret hidden in the original portrait. Since then, Dorian Gray is free from time, and the years can not take away his youth and beauty. Under the instigation of the aristocratic friend Henry, he is gradually addicted to the noble and extravagant life of the aristocracy, his character has changed, the first lover suicide, the killing of his secret painter friend who discovered his secret... Until finally, Dorian Gray, who was completely disappointed with himself, finally destroyed the portrait that had begun to change with the change of Dorian Gray's mind.

Is this the sin of youth and beauty? Or is it the inevitable consequence of enjoyment and horrifying pleasures? Dorian's degeneration was due to the fact that the portrait took on the change of the appearance of sin on his body, which made him unable to realize how terrible his crimes were. Just like when people shop for credit cards, they feel that their money is not so painful. So Dorian felt that it was not his own pure soul but the portraits that he felt destroyed by his own hands. Second, it was the instigation of Lord Henry. He seems to be a little more than a little comfort, but he really teaches Tao Lin how to find an excuse for his self - wickedness. From the death of Sibir Wayne, they used their ingenious language to justify themselves and lead others to bogged down in the devil's mire.

The outline of the story is that the painter did two things, drew a picture for Dorian, and made Henry and Dorian realize that the tragedy began. Dorian made his wish to achieve his youth and realized it, but when he was corrupted or yielded to temptation, the face of the portrait would gradually become abominable. Then Dorian was told not to tell the secret to the painter and killed him. Finally, Dorian tried to destroy the picture, but...




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