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The pursuit of dreams_追求梦想英语作文250字

2019-12-29 18:30:01

A large number of bicycles were sold at an auction. There was always a little boy at every auction, but he offered five dollars every time, and five dollars was too little, so the bike was bought by someone else. During the pause, the auctioneer asked him curiously, he told the auctioneer he had only five dollars. The auction went on, and the boy was still only five dollars, and people began to pay attention to him and talk about him. After an hour and a half of auction, there was only one new bicycle left. The bike was so great that the boy loved it. The auctioneer asked, "does anyone bid?" The little boy still beat the price and said, "five dollars!" The auctioneer stood still, silent. The audience did not speak, and no one raised their hands. A moment later, the auctioneer said, "it's five dollars! The car belongs to that little boy now. Everyone applauded, and he took out the money crumpled, soaked with sweat for five dollars, and bought the most beautiful bicycle in the world. It is not enough to have a good dream, but to have the will and determination to achieve it, to make the dream come true, and to rely on unremitting efforts. The pursuit of dreams and the dreams of others are the most beautiful things in the world.





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