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Money can't replace family_金钱不能取代家庭作文400字

2019-12-29 20:00:02

Once upon a time there was a king who loved money very much. One day, he said to god, "teach me a kind of magic, and everything I touch will turn into gold." God agreed to him. The next day, when the emperor got up, he reached out and touched the cloth and turned it into gold. He was very happy. Then he ate breakfast, and the milk he reached for was turned into gold, and the touch of bread turned to gold, and he felt a little uncomfortable. Because he can't eat breakfast, he's hungry. Every morning he would go for a walk in the big garden, and when he saw a beautiful rose, he could not help touching it, and the rose became gold at once, and he felt a little pity. On this day, everything he touched turned to gold, and he grew more and more afraid, and he was hungry all day. At night, his favorite little girl came to see him, and he shouted desperately, "daughter, don't come!" But the naive daughter embraced her father as usual, and the daughter turned into a golden statue. The king burst into tears, he didn't want this alchemy anymore, he begged god to recover the magic, he asked god to forgive him, he said he no longer crave gold, please return the dear daughter to him. God asked him to wash his hands in the river, and the king quickly went to the river to wash his hands. Then he ran to hug his daughter, who became a very innocent and lively girl. The story tells us that people need not only wealth, but also affection and love. Although money is important, if money abandons relatives, money can never last. The strength of affection can overcome all desires. At any time, we should love our family and don't let greed ruin the relationship.





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