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The poor_穷人英语读后感500字

2019-12-29 19:00:02

The poor is the work of Lev, Tolstoy, a famous Russian writer. At that time, the Russian working people were living in extreme poverty under the dark rule of the tsar, but they were kind hearted and noble minded. The text recounts the fisherman and her wife, SANA, who care and sympathize with the neighbor Simon. After Simon's death, the story of her two orphans is adopted, reflecting the pure and simple compassion of the poor and the noble quality of helping others. Through the life of the Sanna family, the author reflects the miserable life of the poor people during that period and their perfect mind.

The fisherman's family was very poor, and their days were very tight. But when the wife of the fisherman saw his neighbour Simon's death, and the sad and moving picture of the two children who were not sensible, he did not hesitate to take them home. After a series of psychological struggles, fishermen and Sanna firmly believe that no matter how hard they are, they should bring up these two children.

In this text, the deepest part of the text is: her head is back, the cold, green face shows the death of the quiet, a pale stiff hand that wants to catch what, hanging from the straw. Next to the dead mother, two small children were asleep, with curly hair, a round face, old clothes covered with old clothes, a curly body, and two small heads of light yellow hair close together. Apparently, when the mother was dying, she put her clothes on them and hugged their little feet with their old scarves. The child's breathing is even and calm, and the sleeping is sweet. From this startling description of the situation, I realized the poverty and misery of countless working people in the Tsarist era, and I also realized the great mother's love and the two children who were worried about the death of Simon.

What impressed me most is the description of Sanna's words: it's heartbeat badly, do not understand why, but I think it should be done. When SANA saw that two poor children were not raised by their mother, they would rather starve themselves or let Simon's two orphans starve to death, which fully demonstrated the kindhearted nature of Sonna. One of the words of the fisherman moved me out: "we have to take them and how to stay with the dead! Oh, we, we can always stay up!" this sentence is so firm, although the fisherman thought about his own days, but also insisted on raising the two orphans of Simon, showing the quality of the fisherman's help and the courage to respond. Although these words are made up of several simple words, they can reflect their good nature.

Reading this story, I think we should learn the poor, not greedy, selfish, more contented, more to share with others, and if we can have a noble, kind and compassionate heart, our life is plain but also very happy. On the contrary, if selfishness and greed are the same as stupid rich people.




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