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My school_我的学校高中英语说明文200字

2019-12-30 15:45:01

My school_我的学校高中英语说明文200字

I am a junior high school student.I am glad to have this opportunity to introduce our school to those who are not familiar with our school environment.

Our teaching building is built like a carrot of a over with green trees in the hollow centre, and the classroom are mutually connected together.Therefore, it is filled with the sound of reading in the morning. Nearby are three basketball courts with provide places for students to play badminton, basketball and shuttlecock.Every day after school,our school is full of vitality and joy everywhere. What's more, although our school is relatively not spacious,classrooms are large enough for us to learn, and the relationship between our students and teachers are very harmonious. To be honest, I regard our school to be a park where there are different flowers and trees distributed in every corner.

Above all, what a beautiful and love-filling school it is in this high school.Welcome be one of us!




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