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2019-12-30 07:30:02

"Casablanca" is known as the first screenplay of the film history, the plot is not too big, but full of tension, this is born in the peace time we can not feel. The beginning of the movie is to go to the love story inside, but the beginning of the movie is the position of Casablanca in the war, and as long as it passes, it can go to the free America. The hero Rick appeared to be a cynical and ignorant tomorrow. He ignored the request of others. I think the film is a bit unintelligible until the heroine appears. I understand that Rick is not a man of love. He is also a man full of tender feelings and can help others.

The film was taken by Hollywood during World War II, telling stories of Europeans trying to escape to the United States in order to escape German Nazi persecution. Casablanca is the last line of defense in Nazi Germany. If you want to escape to the United States, you must go through it. Here, some people can achieve dreams and escape to the United States, but some people are waiting for opportunities all their lives, and they may end up dying there. As a turning point at that time, the story happened here is of great significance. This is like the so-called "one step king, one step death" in the movie "Jianghu". In addition, because the second world war has not ended, and the US is far away from the battlefield, the United States has enough creative space. As a very influential Second World War, it changed people's way of life and values, and this influence involves at least two or three generations. The value of this film lies in its constant reminder of the cruelty of war and the heavy lesson of world history. Even those who have not experienced the history of their own life, as long as they know something about World War II, will naturally associate themselves with this movie. It is for this reason that after half a century, the film still has a unique charm and will continue its mission forever.

There is no reason why Rick and isa fall in love with ISA, and when Rick knows isa's reasons for leaving him, after understanding issha's hard words, he told isa to help her escape from Casablanca night and said, "we always have Paris, though it was lost in Casablanca, but last night." And ISA, on the eve of leaving Casablanca, said to Rick when he sought help from Rick, and said, "I left you for the first time, and I can't do it again second times!" It can be seen that they are deeply in love with each other. But their love and love are too outdated. In the words of ISA, "the whole world is falling down, but we choose to love this time." This inopportune love ultimately leads to the helpless loss of ISA, the helpless love, the helpless departure, the helpless encounter and the helpless separation, which brings limitless pain to Rick, because he can not understand the woman's absence of reason, so he begins to abandon the goal of peace and the goal, instead he aims at the goal instead. Instead, he sets his goal instead. The orientation is self - centered. In the words of ISA, "revenge the whole world for a resentment against a woman." The most fundamental reason for these miseries is the war.

In fact, she was married before she knew Rick, and her husband rose was the leader of the anti fascist movement. The two people were arrested in the concentration camp soon after they were married, and then he died. The sad eersa met her in Paris. On the night of his appointment, ersa got the news that he got out of the camp, hiding in the suburbs of Paris, having a serious illness. Eresa could not give up the force regardless of her husband's death. So, the misunderstanding between euresa and Rick was buried.




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