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A Room with a View_看得见风景的房间读后感500字

2019-12-30 07:30:02

"See the scenery room" is the story of the background of the Vitoria period in Europe, the upper class young girl Ruth and she is the same noble, solemn cousin Sherlock to go to Italy holiday. They were depressed because they could not see the scenery in their own rooms in the inn, so they became acquainted with George and his son, who exchanged views with them. George was born at the bottom of society. He was straightforward in character, never hypocritical or disguised his thoughts. This is different from the red tape of Lucy and Sherlock, and many jokes were also made during the trip. In the process of getting along, Lucy and George produced subtle and intense attraction. George could not help kissing Lucy in the wheat field in Italy, which was rather offensive at that time. Upon returning to England, Lucy agreed to the proposal of a typical British gentleman aristocracy, who matched her identity. Suo is polite and polite, as it is in line with the needs of Lucy and his family, but Lucy feels the emptiness and superficiality of the complex etiquette and rhetoric of West Suo in the course of his association with Suo, and begins to miss George. By chance, George returned to England and the two met again. Under George's unremitting pursuit and George's father Emerson and Sherlock's feelings, Lucy finally broke away from the shackles of the etiquette and sought his true love after a few twists and turns.

The author's description of the process of Lucy's thought is still vivid. From the book, we can see how Lucy grew from a shy little girl who dare not raise objections to a generous, thinking and independent woman. During his trip to Florence, Lucy initially listened to his cousin's arrangement and did not dare to act privately. And after the scene of the kissing, she followed her cousin's advice to deal with it. Although that kiss did not let Lucy fall in love with George, it had rippled in her mind. In the subsequent contacts with Mr. Weiss and George, through the contrast between Mr. Weiss and George's character and behavior, she found that she did not really like Mr. Weiss, even hated his hypocrisy, and hated his high self-esteem. Mr. Weiss is a traditional feudal man. He despises rural people and likes to sneer at others. And he doesn't respect women. He thinks that women do not need to be thoughtful. They are good manners and know how to present the beautiful side in front of men. And George is quite different from him. He is rough, but he respects women. So when Lucy decided to marry Mr. Weiss, he was very angry and woke up Lucy with a lot of questioning.




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