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2019-12-30 13:00:01

Orlando was an aristocratic teenager whose beauty and innocence touched the queen of Elizabeth, so he was invited to the queen to serve and enjoy his love. At this time, he was very rich, but he was also very keen on love games for many years, but he was quickly tired of the court life and began to listen to the secular stories in the lower ranks. After years, the simple personality had not been worn out, and when he became her, when the court secret language became a social rhetoric, Orlando was still the one, but the object of the hearing was changed from a man in a bar to a street girl in the red light area. The gossip was more interesting. Orlando, both a man and a woman, swayed between nature and secular, plain and flamboyant. He had fallen in love with the beautiful and unruly Russian princess, but was abandoned by the latter. Perhaps because of his unease bound by the other party. She finally fell in love with thanks. It was still a unruly and unruly soul, but this time she was unable to leave home and chose to let her husband go to the Cape Horn with his beloved husband. And I think that's Orlando's growth in love.

The imagination is unscrupulously imaginative, and the description is also real and real. The details are vivid, full of unspeakable images and metaphors, and more symbolic techniques are used to make the story appear unusually mysterious and charming; even a large number of disjointed and abrupt descriptions seem to be complemented by the author's sudden inspiration. It is the meaning of the non - inspirational crystallization. The author himself admits that it is a "writer's holiday" and "a big joke". It can be seen how happy this book is, and it is no doubt a pleasure for Woolf with mental illness. It doesn't seem to be necessary to dig into the mystery and the secrets of every mysterious image in the book. To solve the gorgeous words and paragraphs, to find the author's thoughts. The novel is light and fluent, with a rich and natural feeling, a lot of environment and detail description, which is far from the blurred and abstract of the stream of consciousness novels, and has the style of classical novels. And recorded three hundred years of change, the British frost, the fog, the development of the times, especially in the details of the time of Elizabeth, there are Baroque or Rococo's artistic style, exquisite as if the art, a touch is broken.

There is a famous metaphor about the novel Woolf. We believe that it should be like a web of cobweb, which is integrated with the four corners of life. The structure of Orlando's novel is just like a web of cobweb. Throughout the book, there are two main images: oak and ancestral home. Orlando wrote to oak tree for three hundred years, oak tree can be said to be a symbol of the development of Orlando's psychological context. The ancestor house is large and complex, and its structure is in line with the time and day of the day. 365 rooms, 52 staircases and 7 courtyards are the symbols of British history and tradition accumulated in time. The oak tree loaded the house, and it was on the side. And Orlando's growth is also under the interaction of traditional influence and personalized development. Surrounded by these two images, the layout of the novel can be divided into a layer of latitude and longitude. But it's just a layer. Vita's comment on Woolf's novels is always like fog. We can also find many layers of longitude and latitude from the fog.

Although this novel is the work of the 20s of last century, it is still full of incredible novelty, even in this day. The imagination and narration are very interesting. The writer's writing is so graceful that the four hundred years of the great age are also flowing, as if the film version is spreading. I can't fall in love with her brush strokes. And Orlando, the spiritual symbol, has experienced so many amazing metamorphosis, from the green to the mature, the same only the love of literature and nature.




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