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2019-12-30 12:00:01

The summer sun shone like a big ball of fire on the earth, seemingly giving out all its power. It roasted the earth, drying the faces of pedestrians, and drying the trees without any sway. In such a hot day, we are looking forward to solar energy coming down early. I'm looking forward to it. I hope the sun is embarrassed and slowly withdraw from the sky. I love it in summer evening. The girls wore beautiful swimsuits and were in high spirits. The boy was naked except for a small underpants. It was as smooth as a loach. At this time, the river became our paradise. When you get to the river, you plunge in. Some play "dog planer", some "float the Yangtze River", some "butterfly swim", and some like loach in the river shuttle back and forth. I like water fight most, you spilled me, I spilled you. For a moment, the splash of water was not enough to wipe away his face. Sometimes we are unhappy, overwhelmed by the water, crying, but soon we are full of laughter. The river was splashed with snow-white sprays, and the laughter and laughter of his companions mingled with the clatter of the water, like a beautiful idyllic symphony. At this time, I am extremely happy, charming River, bring me the most beautiful summer enjoyment.




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