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Wuthering Heights_呼啸山庄英语读后感600字

2019-12-31 05:15:30

The story describes Heathcliff and Catherine stay together morning and night's childhood life; special feelings of a foundling and a lady formed in this special environment, as well as their Hindley tyrannical revolt. Later, Catherine deserted Heath Cliff because of vanity, ignorance and ignorance, and became the mistress of the grange. Then how Heath Cliff filled with hatred and despair to recover the ashes strategy and action. Although the only account of the final stage of Heathcliff's death, but which reveal when he understood that Hareton and Katie love, a new change of the human nature thought the experience of recovery, which makes it a terrorist with color love tragedy revealed a bundle of joy is the light of hope.

The love in Wuthering Heights is so special that it is different from the love created in any novel so far. This' Emily 'type of love is so sincere, frank, and never self-conscious affectation half. Only this kind of emotion, is really from the heart of human beings, is from the human nature. Everything in it is so naked that there is no half a prison, and never thought of imprisonment. This is the most real portrayal of lust, Emily never gave it a kind of so-called 'literary one. Emily created the hero, love is so strong, beyond everything, even if it is not the distance between life and death. Love is deep, pain is cut. The hatred of Heath and Clif is so strong, true and powerful. This desire for revenge is so powerful that it can destroy everything around him. The fire of revenge burned the two families. He was so miserable when Catherine died. Catherine took away his love and took him away. Although he is still alive, he is no different from death. Even if he gets so much, it's not enough to fill his loss, his heart's trauma. Because Catherine died, his life was meaningless. When he calls his lover day and night like a ghost, he never gets it again. He tortured others, also not to hurt his injured all over the body every hour and moment. His revenge was reported, and he got so many people's property, but he lost the last pillar to support his survival, so at this moment, he died.

In the novel, the author of all efforts in the condensed Schiesz Cliffe image portray, she placed all their sympathy and indignation, ideal here. This has been deprived of human warmth of the outcast in real life, cultivate love and hate strongly, Hindley. He tasted the cruelty of life, also taught him to understand that it cannot change the destiny of their own humiliation. He chose rebellion. Catherine finally betrayed Heathcliff married, she did not understand it does not love Edgar Linton. Catherine's betrayal and after marriage sorrow destiny, is the most important turning point in the book. It made Heath Cliff's full love turn into incomparable hate; Catherine died, the cavity hatred erupted like a volcano, and became a crazy revenge power. His objective was achieved, he not only made Hindley and a miserable death, dominate the two industrial estates, but also let them innocent next generation also suffered a bitter defeat.




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