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night-blooming cereus_昙花作文600字

2019-12-31 02:30:19

Night-blooming cereus life is very low-key, not during the day and night, flowers blooming, midnight, she walked slowly, quietly blooming. That gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind as confident. She embellished the lifeless night, and the night became colourful.

During the day, night-blooming cereus bear people unknown to the public ridicule, look down upon by others. But at night, it will. Isn't that the quality of low profile? It is a family with cactus, but its efforts are absolutely far beyond the cactus. Even if it is as amazing and enchanting as a rose, it will bloom in the dark. Epiphyllum open. The flowers smell. A light clear Fragrance, gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind. It is not as thick as osmanthus, and no lotus is so clear, it is just right.

At the dawn of dawn, what you can see is just a drooping flower that hangs coldly on the branch. So I began to sad, God let the stunning beauty of the short stay, but refused to let her open for a moment. Grow up they would understand, not God is too cruel, but I was too naive. Just imagine, if the day and night, no matter when, as in the past are open Epiphyllum, then, who will cherish it within a few hours, who cares about her beauty, the unique charm of Epiphyllum belongs to the dark, how can reflect that? We are Epiphyllum beautiful moment by the incomparable treasure that opening hours that is because we had a long wait for that day!

Yuhua character how strong. You see it elegant Juesu, not only to avoid the bustling around, even disdain lively, quiet love. It blossomed without regrets overnight. Florescence is short, bloom posture is extremely wild, like a head of insurance, is a world youth. However, the flowers out of the ordinary, it's extremely talented secret, so choose the silent deserted night in the daytime and blooming red disdain.

The night was getting thicker, and the moonlight became brighter. Suddenly, the bud seems to gently shake, then, the shell cracked a seam, wafting a wisp of white smoke. No, it was not a smog. It was a white petal of white. It was shyly and quietly spreading his body. Look! The petal gently, charming to stretch around, like a lingering and soothing violin, like a beautiful girl, fairy sleeves from the wind, dancing, a charming fragrance from the flower overflow, floating in the air, gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind.

A flash in the pan, can let oneself in the gorgeous dead, also do not let any secular stain tarnish it, so beautiful, so unyielding, so noble. It is not straightforward to drag out an ignoble existence, death, infuriating luster, stretch white, spotless petals, meet death. The admirable quality, the heartbreaking beauty.

A man should not be the same as Epiphyllum? As so spineless. If life is lacking in bone and basic justice, politeness, and morality, life is equal to the absence of a soul, and only a bag like a walking corpse.




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