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Biography of celebrities_名人传读后感600字

2020-01-01 02:00:01

Celebrity biography tells us that life is bound to encounter many hardships. Those who can walk firmly are not strong physique. But that firm belief is supporting us to go on. The author of the biography of celebrities is Roman. Roland, he pointed out that life is hard, life is full of poverty, fear, loneliness and pain, people do not know each other in the diaphragm, comfort each other, so he wrote "celebrity biography", the greatest minds to the suffering people, gave them comfort and encouragement.

Of the three great men, what impressed me most was Beethoven. He has a general passion for music and has created many excellent works successively. His works are profound, magnificent and full of fantasies. But the disaster came to him mercilessly. In 1802, he realized that his hearing impairment was unhealed and would quickly deteriorate. It means that he may never be able to create anymore. What a great blow it is! But he can fight against fate. It may be the reason why he can write so many immortal works later. This spirit of never compromise on life and destiny is what we should learn. This great and unyielding soul has made the dark world shine and made life expectancy.

The symphony of fate is one of the most familiar and favorite works of all of Beethoven's works. Beethoven is a hero in the eyes of so brave, indomitable, firm and inflexible, like Beethoven himself with a painful struggle with the fate of the music composing. Whenever I close my eyes and listen to the song, comes into my mind such a scene: a brave knight, holding a sword, difficulties and setbacks and suffering as the enemy, Knight constantly encounter the enemy on the road ahead, the knight did not dodge, but all the way down, Yuecuoyueyong, final triumph return. At the end of the song, I opened my eyes slowly, and I found myself gradually having courage, courage to overcome difficulties, and courage to overcome myself. After that, whenever I was discouraged, in my heart silently humming "Symphony of destiny", to encourage self like Beethoven not because of misery and suffering a sink, to do the fate of the throat!

The family, the home of the spirit. But it became Tolstoy's cage. His thought, he engaged in the people's education. It clashed with his family's way of life. He can't leave his loved family. He began to plan to abandon his family, but when he saw what was about to die again, his footsteps could not continue. Tolstoy was doomed to a great deal of contradiction and pain. Not according to the self belief in life makes him with deep hatred and resentment. Until this day, the crazy despair was that he was on the way to home. He wanders as he wanders. Finally, he died in a strange town.




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