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John Chris_约翰克里斯多夫读后感700字

2020-01-01 06:00:01

"John Chris", mainly about the famous musician John Christoph's legendary life: he was born in a prestigious in the local family, but his father, an alcoholic palace fiddler, but indulge in wine and lazy, get more and more poor families. Only when his grandfather Chris found his musical talent, and for him to train, but grandfather but spoil him, no matter Chris Christophe music written and then not only praise him, get John Chris Christophe became very arrogant. But at this time his uncle correctly guided him, and he was self aware of himself. So Chris Christophe grew up but his beloved grandfather and his alcoholic father also died, has become famous in the local youth music division he provoked the burden of the family. But Chris Christophe was very angry for any insult to his music are beatings, plus people cheating on him and on his music he does not recognize all the "rice bowl" lost all he had moved to Paris where the situation is not much better, but in that he met a friend - Austria only in his life. At that time, because of the sanctuary of Grazia, who once loved him and is now a lady, he also has some income. His music is also recognized by people. He has succeeded. But only because of riots in Austria in order to save a child died, Chris was sad for a long time, but he walked out from the sadness, and continue to start writing music, he eventually passed away satisfied.

The novel describes the musician John Christophe Krafft - life, created this set of moral ideals, passion and action hero spirit in a new image, and with his experience as a clue, to show the pre War Europe wide social life.

John Christophe is a complex image of the rich connotation of personality. He did not criticize the bourgeoisie from the ethical relationship of the individual, but at the same time kept a certain attachment to it. Therefore, there was no apparent ideological characteristics of Cang himself. However, in looking forward to the future social vision, he also unconsciously troubled some broad philanthropic ideal, resulting in the distortion of his strong personality and the end of his tragedy.

The influence of family economic decline, the music of the soul, John Chris, is a fertile ground for growth. As Lu Xun said, from the bustling fall exhausted, only the most people can feel the world's well-being yanliang. The advantage of all calamity is that it is like a whip, whipping all the time, and not allowing you to idle away. The difficult kinship is more likely to become the responsibility of binding meat and spirit. It is a life without a tie in the world people, come on a piece of empty time will no fall back on, no force driving force as he walked along, just before his habit, he didn't know what they need, where to go.

After reading this book, I have a deep admiration and self remorse in my heart. Yes, John - Chris Christophe is so firm and indomitable never give up and revolt, and he suffered so many setbacks but never lost, lost hope, and I as long as the setbacks will be back, will be disappointed and refused to admit their mistakes correct opinions sometimes to cry against others. Now in retrospect I was really stupid, setbacks should be like John Chris, like open it and accept it and to learn its lesson, so we will progress to be successful.




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