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英语作文:A stupid woman

2020-01-01 08:45:01

小学英语作文:Rose wanted a job when she was seventeen. It was not difficult to find a job then in the country. One day Rose was looking for a job. She went to many offices but she didn’t like any of them. When she went into one of the offices, she saw a board: This office needs a typist. Rose was excited. She went to the manager’s office. The manager was writing something . Rose knocked at the door. The manager raised his head: “ Do you need a typist?” asked Rose. “Yes!” the manager said. Rose jumped up and clapped her hands. She couldn’t help saying: “ ok! I will take this job. How much will you pay me?” the manager thought for a few seconds and said: “I will pay you twenty-seven dollars in the first three months. Then I will pay you thirty dollars.” Rose smiled and answered: “Great, I will come and work here three months later .” The manager frowned and he was speechless.



作文700 工作文案 作文六年级 作文 300 作文600字作文 素材作文 作文年 800作文大全高中作文 那一次我真后悔作文600字 一段什么的旅程作文600字 我的一天 作文600字 生活中的美好作文600字 我学会了什么200字作文 我的理想工作 英语作文 童年生活作文200字 被男朋友打屁股作文 幸福在很近的地方等我作文600字 以春天为话题的作文200字 老鹰捉小鸡作文300字三年级 我看学校新变化作文 长大的感觉真好作文600字 美在不期而遇作文600字 读水浒传有感600字作文 我最喜欢的植物作文300字 关于春天的作文300字左右 五一劳动节作文250字 从那一刻开始作文600字 乡村生活作文400字四年级 我的家风故事作文400字 关于新年的作文600字