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Huizhou Peking and China_惠州 北京和中国介绍地区的英语作文250字

2020-01-02 07:15:01

Huizhou, Peking and China_惠州,北京和中国介绍地区的英语作文250字

I come from Huizhou, a beautiful city in the south of China. It is on the River Dongjiang and has a population of about four million. My home town is especially famous for its people. Many famous people are here, such as Liao Zhongkai and Deng Yanda. There are lots of old buildings and places of interested to visit. Students and tourists enjoy trips along the river by boat.

Huizhou is 2185 kilometers from Peking. Peking is in the north of China and it is on the River Haihe. It has a population of about more than 20 million, so it is bigger and busier than Huizhou. It is about 2700 years old, and it is famous for the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace.

China has dozens of popular mountains. Also the beaches on the coast are popular for summer holiday. Tourists like the southeast coastal area, because there are plenty of beautiful beaches. Everywhere in China, you will notice how beautiful the scenery is!

It is summer high temperature, the winter temperature difference is big north and south in China. So come and see south China any time of the year, but you had better visit north China in summer----it is never cold in China in summer.




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