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Becoming Jane_成为简简爱观后感400字

2020-01-03 16:45:01

She looks calm, but her heart is rough. Facing the oppression of reality, what she thought of was not to yield but to resist. Writing a novel, she never thinks that only men can do it. Even if no one agrees with her, she still tries to move towards her goal. Never be noticed to text, then the influence of pride and Prejudice from the world, constantly being sarcastic words, to gradually usher in praise of recognition, from the unknown to the public to have writing, famous image, she told the world with faith and action, women can also have their own dreams and dreams. From her, I realized for the first time that the value of life should be gained by himself, so long as there is no fear of difficulties, nothing can resist the pace of the advance.

At the first meeting, Tom's arrogance brought Jane a great prejudice to him. Then Jane and Tom slowly created the spark of love in the three scenes of the forest, the dance and the library. The night before Tom left Hampshire, the two protagonists never pressure their feelings in the forest indifferent kiss. It is interesting that when Jane asked Tom how his first kiss showed, the pure love of the girl added some romantic elements to the original deep film.

Tom was a poor boy, but Jane Jane's parents wanted to marry the local fusion. Tom then left Hampshire in London, married a great Lady Jane, but after the news that the rich refused to marry him, never married. After Tom's walk, Jane wrote the feeling in Pride and prejudice, and Elizabeth and Darcy finally ended up in Jane's yearning.

The theme of this film is love, but it is more than love. It triggers people's reflection on the concept of love in the context of industrial development, and shows a brave, intelligent and strong woman. As people say, all women are hard to refuse to be Jan Austin, and I believe that all men can hardly refuse such a Jan Austin.




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