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Is a test of spoken English necessary?_是否需要对英语口语进行测试英语议论文200

2020-01-04 04:00:01

Is a test of spoken English necessary?_是否需要对英语口语进行测试英语议论文200字

Many people believe that a test of spoken English is necessary for students, but others don't agree. Some students might think they will not need to speak English in the future. I don't agree with these students, having a test of spoken English is necessary. The reasons are as follows.

Firstly, most students might go abroad if they have a chance. Therefore, only speaking English very well can they communicate with foreigners. Secondly, it is common that a person is good at written English but spoken English is bad. They will often practise spoken English if they have some tests about it. Thirdly, you need to communicate with foreign customers when you enter a big company in the future.

As far as I am concerned, it is important for us to have a test of spoken English. It can help us to improve our English.




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