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The meaning of Christmas_圣诞节的意义英语作文350字

2020-01-04 16:00:01

Every year December 25th is Christmas day, on this day, most people think of gifts, elk, Christmas tree and Santa Claus, but few people think about the real meaning of Christmas: bring love and joy to others.

Written by Charles Dickens' a Christmas carol is a good example: one old man called scrooge, he didn't smile, and very stingy, just want to himself, he is not friendly to anyone. He only CARES about how he makes more money, and he hates Christmas very much. On a Christmas Eve, he saw the dead of Jacob marley, the lost business partner, who was the same man as scrooge, so he was punished after his death. He warned scrooge to change himself or be punished. He also told scrooge to be ready for three spirits to visit him. That night, three elves actually visited scrooge. In the first place, the spirit of Christmas past brought scrooge back to his childhood, and made him look back on the happy days of his childhood. Then, the spirit of Christmas now takes him to see how other people celebrate Christmas, even the poor, happy and happy. Finally, the spirit of the future of Christmas brings him into the future. Scrooge sees himself dead, but everyone doesn't care. Scrooge was so frightened that he awoke from his sleep to discover that it was the morning of Christmas. Scruzzi decided to change himself and promised to be a good man. He happily celebrates Christmas with his relatives and presents gifts to the people who need them. Now he was kind and warm to everyone, bringing love and joy to every place he visited.

This is the spirit of Christmas!




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