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Persistence will succeed_坚持就会成功英语作文200字

2020-01-04 16:00:01

On the first day of school, Socrates said to the students, "it's the simplest and easiest thing we can learn today. Everyone throws their arms as far as they can, and then as far as possible, Socrates demonstrates. "Start today and do 300 daily. Can you do that?" The students all laughed. What can't be done with such a simple matter? After a month, Socrates asked the students, "what are the students holding out for 300 days a day?" Ninety percent of the students raised their hands proudly. After another month, Socrates asked, only 80 percent of the students who had persevered were left. A year later, Socrates once again asked, "please tell me, the easiest way to shake hands. Only one man raised his hand in the classroom. This student was later Plato, the other great philosopher of ancient Greece. The story tells us: do things with perseverance, perseverance, persistence, and difficult things you will succeed.




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