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John Rabe_拉贝日记读后感900字

2020-01-04 06:45:01

The Rabe diary is the true record of a German friend in Nanjing who witnessed the Nanjing massacre personally. John Rabe, the author of this book, is an employee of SIEMENS, Germany. On the eve of the Japanese invasion of Nanjing in 1937, he and a dozen foreign missionaries, professors, doctors, businessmen and others jointly launched the establishment of Nanjing safety zone and served as the chairman of the International Committee of the safety zone. He and some international friends at the time of extremely dangerous difficult war environment, to protest and go hither and thither to call for, regardless of personal danger as much as possible to prevent the Japanese invasion of China on the people's China crazy violence. The Nanjing security zone, which they set up, provides a temporary shelter for about 250 thousand Chinese civilians. In his own houses and small gardens, more than 600 Chinese refugees were also under protection. He also described in his diary and other words the heinous atrocities of the Japanese invaders in Nanjing. In April 1938 he returned to Germany for a report, to the German authorities submitted a written report, continue to expose the evil in Nanjing. After being questioned and warned by the German police Gestapo, he kept his diary and related materials carefully, leaving these historical records to posterity.

He and his family have lived in China for thirty years. Mr. Rabe's children and grandchildren were born in Chinese, and rooted in the China, I think can let them stay out of the Chinese national culture and heritage China long national morality was deeply attracted by Mr. Rabe, and from him to China, and even the whole world the universe infinite recollections. Let him stay in the town China, stay in Nanjing. It was a place where there had been a disaster from 1937 to 1938. During this period the Nanjing massacre is Japanese left to Chinese people most of the hair with a knife, this knife cut hundreds of head cut off hundreds of thousands of people with the fate of the future. This knife is shameless and unacceptable. Japanese behavior is a respect for life and a blaspheme for the Chinese nation's Holy Spirit. Such behavior should be rejected and condemned by the international community. Mr. John's Diary of Rabe is a description of the Japanese atrocities, and a ruthless exposure to the brutal atrocities of the Japanese army. What we saw from the perspective of Mr. John Rabe is a self destructive extermination. Although the face is merciless lore, but Mr Rabe in order to save those people under the knife, Mr Rabe and his partners regardless of personal comfort, together build a safety zone to protect innocent people.

If a country wants to survive and want to stand in the forest of the world, it must have a strong enough defense force to defend itself. And national defense is like a knife, on the one hand to defend oneself, on the other hand it is used to deter others. Why to defend myself, naturally, has a place to be coveted by others. For example, land, mineral, oil, technology and so on can affect the future development of a country or even the future distribution of the world. If you get it, you lose it. In retrospect, most of the wars, large and small, are caused by the struggle for resources. For example, a hundred years of humiliation in the modern history of China, such as the Iraq war in the early twenty-first Century. A country that is vulnerable to defense is just a weak and unarmed man, even if there is a pile of gold behind it, it will not help. It can never be used to bribe your enemy, let the enemy pass you, because everyone knows that as long as he grabs the money, the wealth is his own and no need to be bribed. Therefore, national defense is an important guarantee for the economy and the people's livelihood. In a country, without a strong national defense, it is difficult to survive and develop normally. It is difficult to build and reform, and even the survival of its own will be threatened. Only the national defense force is guaranteed, the country can be in a relatively safe and internal and external environment. Economic construction can be stable and rapid development, the people can live and work, and the livelihood of the people can be improved. In the end, countries that lack the power of defense can only lose their national sovereignty, disappear from the world and are abandoned by history.

Love, not how much, size, as long as you will pay; love, do not divide the national boundaries, as long as there is love in the heart! It is useful for us to read it.




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