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2020-01-04 20:15:01

With the excited curious mood, I read the "love of education" of the Ministry of public security in the form of master records in early primary school life diary novel, my heart could not help but have mixed feelings, it is difficult to calm; Amway Ke left before the teacher, accept new teachers and classmates of the strange face, that a variety of students see, the final scene, met a willing to forgive others, "Caron brave and kind and generous, Amway Ke father taught the truth of life.

"Love education", I finished reading at one breath, although I do not weep, but I think it is a book to wash the mind. It doesn't seem to me that what attracted me is its high literary value, but the perfect parent child love reflected in the ordinary and delicate strokes, the friendship between teachers and students, the friendship between friends and the love of country. The profound, strong emotional power that is contained in this love novel is really great. In the education of love, the love of human nature is the most sincere education, and education makes love sublimate. Though everyone's life experience is different, you will experience the similar emotions that you have experienced before from "love education", but we may have different attitudes towards this behavior. It moved me as well as some thinking about love.

In this article I understand a left of my friends is a sad thing, but as time changes, we always reluctant to part of my friends farewell to tears, always ringing home, but we must learn to face the future to accept, accept tomorrow, tomorrow in the sky under the Amway Ke understanding the every kind of different personalities and different identities and different family friends, one must first generation Pelosi, but no matter how they are different people, but to be able to get together, always have the edge, we want to be like the home early to learn to accept and would like to cherish their love.

These small stories make the characters in the book be nurtured, so that they have a love. In fact, if we can calm down, we will find that in this world, we also enjoy a lot of other people's love, care and help. I hope that when we enjoy that very common love, we will also give love to some people who need help. Love, no size, small to a greeting, a hug, big to love donation, hope engineering, social security... It all contains love. But people often ignore the existence of love, such as the love of their parents. People seem to take this for granted. They don't need to pay much in return. They even refuse to love their parents. Such people can't go far.

Let those who identify themselves as educators in adult panic, although there are many manifestations of love, can really make it become part of the educated soul essence cannot strong meaning granted, only one force can effectively, that is, infection. How to infect everyone through his own efforts, feel love from the heart, and tremble for it and shake it. Once this is neglected, love loses the power of being a character, and is deceitful and degenerate. By then, it will not only become educators and educates the sad, thinking, the police, the province, education of the storm, heavy duty, it is self-evident.

Clouds that float into my life from other years, do not rain, nor blow the wind and snow. They just scatter the color of nature into the blue sky. The seasons wind years of wind chimes, played charming love, like a meteor across the sky, like a pure lyric, a dim serenade, rippling in my heart. I appreciate God, and thank him for turning me into a human being, so that I have the opportunity to experience the life of love. Friends, please bring you a holy love into the world. You will find that as long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better tomorrow. Please take the "love" boat and go through the life of your own love. This book is very interesting and it worth for us to read.




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