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Marie Antoinette_绝代艳后英语观后感700字

2020-01-04 23:45:02

"Marie Antoinette" is still a continuation of the style of Coppola through some plain narrative, as a breeze kissed girl quiet heart. Beautiful revealed a charming Rococo costume, into a woman's gentle, noble with delicate furniture, almost all of this era is to create the woman. And as the French supreme queen Mary Anntoinette is undoubtedly more fashion spokesperson, Kristen Dunst plays from Queen Marie every time wearing a surprise to loudly dressed to bring our vision, every feathered hat, each of the embroidery fans all revealed the aesthetic fashion designers have great originality, dizzying, beautiful. Can say "Marie Antoinette" in recent years is a historical theme movie a few shots of luxury in their eyes.

The film begins by saying Austria's daughter is married abroad, let people full of hope for her wealthy life. Not surprisingly, the big door is like the sea, she can not get her husband's "blue". Every day repeatedly listen to opera, dinner parties, no surprise, night sleep, morning and under the watchful eyes of the people is to depict the locker, she lives on the base of the thesis. The strange thing is, this "It is as expected" and such repeated narration, it is that I think the fastest moving story, as it deepened my hope, coping with this dilemma, the hero will be how the essay. Finally, the protagonist is selected in this way.

When autumn comes, the Queen's big daughter of the queen died in the November. The Cardinals bought a priceless necklace for the queen, triggering a "necklace event". Although the queen, money is not a secret, but people can not forgive Antoinette. Because of her native Austria was a French rival, the French had deep in thought and did not believe that the Austria woman, her behavior as further angered people. The queen, who had made the entire Paris dumped, was called "a ferocious beast that engulfed the most of the Republic." Finally, the civilians launched a riot. When the palace is broken, the queen, who has always been arrogant, is more dignified than ever. She was neither afraid, nor sad, and after eating "the last supper", Louis sixteen asked: do you want to go back there? She answered: No, I'm saying goodbye.

The film come to a halt, but behind the plot is worth mentioning. It is said that Filson, a Swedish officer after the palace, tried to help the queen to run away, but a woman spy betrayed the plan. The queen was beheaded, "why I am not in June 20th that day to die for her?" This sentence is constantly in Filson's diary. 21 years later, Filson was a Swedish field marshal, both the favor, and power, but he hated the queen lives away. Jealousy of his political enemies means he has killed a prince in revenge and wants to drag his country into war. In June 20th, a gang of thugs killed the white - haired old man with a stick stone. At this point, the final Knight of the queen of France and the handsome young field realized the desire of 21 years ago. In addition, when Marie Antoinette was beheaded, beside the scaffold suddenly large flower mandala. It was said that mantuo was able to survive the irrigation of blood, and that it was as beautiful as a dream.

Sophia Coppola, as one of the few women directors in the world today, is able to compile and guide herself. She uses her keen eyes to observe people and the world, which is full of frustration and sympathy. Like a lonely life of tourists in the desert for himself but also for all the people looking for light water thirsty, expect her trip, and just continue to bring our souls to eternal tranquility, and fragrance.




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