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My school_我的学校英语作文200字

2020-01-04 03:30:01

I study in Mingfa Binjiang Branch of Langya Road Primary School West Campus of Senior Group. This is a good school. The school playground is very big and there are many sports equipment for us to play with.Our school has the fourth floor.There are 27 senior classes in our school.Every floor has our classroom. I am now in Class 8, Grade 5. Our classroom is on the third floor. Every floor also has a teacher's office. Team leaders in each class send their collected homework to the teacher's office every morning. There is a music room and an art room on the first floor. Students sing and dance in the music room every day. The students draw in the art room every day. The principal's office is on the second floor. If the parents of the students are not satisfied with the teachers, they can go to the principal's office to complain. There is a science room on the third floor. Students have science lessons in the science room every day. There is a big library on the fourth floor. Students can read books in it every day. This is my school.




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