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The plum blossom_梅花英语作文600字

2020-01-05 03:00:01

The plum blossom was in full bloom in the winter of December. Every time the plum blossom in full bloom, from different parts of the visitors are attracted to the garden ornamental plum. In the garden, a burst of fragrance, make people relaxed and happy, the tourists are full of praise. At this time the white plum is mostly a bud just ready to burst. Some plum petals fluttering down, like snow, looks lovely. No wonder there are so many tourists have left their shadows!

As soon as we walked into the red plum Pavilion, the whole person seemed to have entered the world of plum blossoms. Plum blossom fragrance, pure and sparse, let the people feel happy. The level of well-proportioned, and shapes. Some stick out branches long, like hospitable hosts, warmly welcome the arrival of tourists, some gracefully stand there, show their beautiful posture. The plum blossom in front of the eyes seems to have long been unable to resist the loneliness of the winter, and can not wait for it to bloom. Flowers bloom all over the branches, leaving a little gap. Approached, oh, there are many lovely flowers are red in the face, summon the strength for the spring to add a touch of bright color. The plum blossom is not only different in shape, but also in different colors. Some are pale pink, like the cheeks of a little girl, looking at everyone who wants to pinch it; some are bright red, and the red comes out of the spring. The most striking is the pale green plum blossom, which looks like white in the far distance, but it is light green in the near future. Its extraordinary and refined temperament is the best in the plum blossom group.

Have a habit of plum has always been out of contact with anyone. She doesn't fit in. When the flowers bloom, you can't find her. She doesn't like to make a lot of fun. When the flowers withered and the snow flutters, the plum blossom came in the wind with the wind. Other flowers are afraid of cold, only she is a friend of the winter. You see it, the iron dry crosswise, the silver flower count, the cold wind is cold, the ice and snow is fierce, it is the more the branches are angry, brilliant fragrance.

It is a beautiful and powerful flower. Look, buckling hovering branches, patches of red petals, a clump of yellow stamens, composed of a small plum. From any point of view, it is a beautiful picture. It is against the cold wind, proudly in full bloom, it's full of vitality, the white world has also been vitality -- it is a dare to challenge a cold flower, to give people the power to give thoughtful and brave flowers, a venerable flower.




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