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Erin Brockovich_永不妥协观后感500字

2020-01-05 01:00:01

The heroine, Aileen, a divorced single mother, raised three young children alone and failed to find a job. There was a traffic accident on the way home, and it was precisely because of the accident that she found Edward as a lawyer. Unfortunately in the way they lost the lawsuit. Aileen lost the lawsuit economic distress, so she is very angry, but because there is no source of income, pungent and stubborn she just stay in the work of ED law firm. Aileen, who had no diploma and no work experience, was reluctant, but a little guilt made her stay. As a handyman staff, when classified archives Aileen found a pile of real estate contract at the same time there are blood tests and medical evidence, she opened a curious one step behind the secret of this contract. Finally, with their kindness, and unremittingly living in Hinckley residents strenuously to help more than 600 people, won a lawsuit about water pollution. At the same time, in the process of running for the lawsuit, Aileen rediscovered the value of his own.

It can be clearly seen from the above descripyion that the old way of the former film is never compromised. Norma Lei has to show us a brave blue collar women with big companies struggle; trial showed no cliques lawyers face legal challenges daunting. Next door, she volunteered to take care of her three child's neighbour Harley. Davidson rode a motorcycle, and there was even the shadow of a motorcyclist driven away in a mask. A movie with so many movie history has two choices to remember again, or to follow another way. The screenwriter and the director can find a new way for the story and the film. They can avoid the platitudes and eagerness of the crowd, and seek something that is completely original. But if the other path, one step, will disappoint the ordinary audience and the high expected fans, and the double blow will make the film collapse.

The film also brings me a lot of things, and when we think of ourselves as successful people with our mindset, we are half successful. Frustration is the best time to start, frustration is not terrible, terrible is you only to the frustration of compromise, never compromise, frustration in front of you will become a paper tiger. Even if you fail, you can learn from it, start again, and win the next success. When you are full of confidence, you can get a good grasp of it.




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