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Mid-Autumn festival_中秋节英语作文600字

2020-01-06 01:15:01

What is the Mid Autumn Festival? Maybe different people will have different answers, for children, the Mid Autumn Festival is a bright and sweet cakes; for the old man, the Mid Autumn Festival is in the deeply sentimental and melancholy; in a foreign land, the Mid Autumn Festival is inextricable and Acacia complex; for old lovers when the Mid Autumn Festival moon Trinidad were happy feelings.

The Mid Autumn Festival is not only the moon and the moon cake, but also the moon and the moon. The Mid Autumn Festival is a wonderful day, night of the Mid Autumn Festival, bright and breezy, will be surrounded by family family table. On weekdays, everyone is learning to work all day for the cause. It's hard to get together, and all the trivial things are thrown away in a moment, and the family sit around and talk with ease and laughter.

In the evening, I stepped on the bench on the balcony, looked at the sky, and waited for the appearance of the moon. The sky was still dark. One or two minutes passed, and I raised my head, "ah! The moon has appeared." The head of the moon came out first, and the sky was lighter than before. Then the moon's body slowly came out of the clouds, and then the feet of the moon appeared from the sky. "Ah!" the sky is so bright! The moon around a few small stars, stars from time to time in front of the moon blink, like countless bright light, the moon stars smile, really beautiful ah! Bright moonlight to the earth, the earth on the grass is more green, more beautiful flowers, a group of the naughty children playing under the moon, moonlight to them, they play more cheerful!

After a while, the moon is like a shy little girl, veiled slowly rises, it is golden yellow, slowly through the clouds of smoke like clouds, upward. In a moment, the color of the moon has turned white! It is like a big snowball, and how like a white jade plate. The clouds next to it are swept past. It is like a scarf. It sets off the moon like fairies. It is reflected in the Lianshui river. The bright moonlight Qingsa the poetry on the island, I was around the moonlight illuminated. The moon hangs through the mottled gap, and spreads a layer of silver on the ground. The moonlight shone the trees in the mottled shadows. The willow sparse very pretty and charming shadows, indescribably beautiful. On the other side of the river town of Hunan magnificent building, in the moonlight more colorful. On the two distance, the car was running around, like a rainbow across the Lianshui river. In the distance, the East Taishan a full moon coming down the black forest shrouded in silver in the world.




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