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Laba Festival_腊八节英语作文500字

2020-01-06 01:15:01

Laba Festival, in the history of our country is also long long, different customs in different places, the law is different, the difference in diet is also great. However, it is not much less important than other traditional festivals. It is not far from the new year, and the taste of the year is thicker.

The Laba porridge is also called the five flavor porridge of the seven treasures. China has been drinking the history of the Laba porridge for more than one thousand years. It first began in the Song Dynasty. Every day on the day of the Laba, all the families have to do the Laba porridge. In the Qing Dynasty, the custom of drinking the Laba porridge was more prevalent. At the court, the emperor would give the minister to the Minister of Wen and Wu to give the porridge to the Laba. In the folk, families also have to do the Laba porridge, sacrificing the ancestors; at the same time, the family is reunited to eat together and give gifts to relatives and friends.

In the morning, grandma wood lit the fire, set up disaster, good water, gently put into the ready corn pot soon become a colorful world, brightly coloured, exudes a slight fragrance. Grandma with a big scoop dough mix, the pot immediately stirred up. Grandma cover with, go to watch TV, but I'm still very interested in this, carefully waiting, now I finally understand the truth with charcoal charcoal grandma, dyed the fire softly, gently hold the bottom of the pot, so make the porridge will be more sweet and. The charcoal was a little down, and I pushed it forward, and the solid wood turned to ashes for our delicious meal.

Specific approach is: Congee with Nuts and Dried Fruits respectively will be pre soaked cereals and fruit porridge together, boiling water. Grain of rice, millet, glutinous rice, barley rice, barley rice, red beans, beans, porridge, fruit chestnut, walnut, red dates longan meat, while cooking, while with a ladle stirring constantly. A little attention to another by a plate of fruit, such as melon seeds, almonds, pine nuts, raisins and candied fruit, green and red silk, this is to put in porridge on the surface.

In history, the annual December emperor who have to pray, and slaughter cattle, held this festival to the gods, wax, ancestors, have a good harvest next year. La drum Ming, spring is the spread of the Han Dynasty folk, it reflects the people in theDecember day drum drive the epidemic, to greet the new year's ceremony and the scene. And now, one thing to think about is to drink the Laba porridge.




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