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A sense of "Coco"_寻梦环游记的感受英语作文400字

2020-01-07 17:45:01

“Remember me,though I have to stay away,remember me.”

As the film tails started, I went to the cinema, but took some of the feeling.

The movie is about a 12 year old boy from Mexico, a shoemaker family. Miguel had a musical dream at his childhood, but music was banned by the whole family.

They thought they were cursed by music. For secret in Miguel music dream, accidentally entered the souls of the world, where he met the dead ancestors of the soul, and got their blessing to sing, eventually to return to earth, also successfully use music to make his grandma did not forget her father, his grandfather the soul does not disappear. The whole animation story are so sensible and so contrary to expectation, not only make people laugh, and people moved to splinters.

Death, in my opinion, is a very fearful, hesitating thing. But after reading the dream, I suddenly feel that death is not so terrible, even think that this is just the beginning of a normal journey, it needs to reach another unknown world through a special ceremony; and life is like a trip to the known end point now, no matter what the process of experience, how wonderful and the outcome will not change, and the journey each day is the day to move forward to the end point. I used to think that a minute passed quickly, but a minute can be very long: one minute you remember me, so I will not leave.

In a minute, you can save the world and change the fate of many people. I think, if one day, someone pointed to my watch and told me that it would always remember me for that minute, and I felt very sound... "Coco" is probably the most point is to poke in the hearts of the people for the deepest relatives between yin and yang can not be relieved expressed in the most warm way: maybe they just went to another colorful world; maybe you can't see, but they are on the side of your smile and tears sorrow and joy I believe that the family is always trouble; unconditional support you harbor; grandfather and grandmother are in love as a cavity chicheng......

I was afraid of death, but I was more afraid of you forgetting me.




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