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A Farewell to Arms_永别了武器英语读后感400字

2020-01-08 03:45:01

Novels can basically be divided into two parts, one is written on the battlefield, and the other is written by Henry and Catherine. As for the war scenes, because there are many geographical nouns in the novel, plus geopolitical unfamiliar, it is not for the time being. In spite of this, a novel or to allow readers to feel the cruelty of war is boring strike the eye and rouse the mind. For example, when Henry was injured and returned to the rear, Hemingway described a simple scene of a soldier's dripping when he died, such as the killing of a compatriot at the time of a large retreat. A driver of Henry, who felt he had not killed an enemy on the battlefield, collapsed a British man to boast of the day; the Italy gendarmerie shot the loss of the Ministry. The officers of the team were almost arbitrary, and they were all Italian.

In those years, we always had all the things we didn't want to happen to him. The two groups, even more ambitions, went into a lot of people. They did not know what the war was. They hated him but obedient to him. They all defaults to live well after the war, but most of them defaults that the war was going to take his life. In such a situation of being submitting to killing, they fought hard.

In the work of farewell to arms, Hemingway spoke frankly and openly about his stand against the war. He is not like others trying to create a strong war scene, he only respect the facts, and the victims of every war; in life we have to have the spirit of Hemingway, in fact, to prove the mistake, do not see the people, no own opinion, and finally only backwardness and absurdity.

Destiny is in your own hands, do not blindly bleed, do not sacrifice meaninglessly, recognize yourself, life will go far, and it will be worth living. Keep clear mind every day and develop towards the direction of life.




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