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Colorful life flowers_丰富多彩的生活花朵英语450字

2020-01-09 23:00:01

Life is beautiful, she is like a flower, we need to cherish it, but he is also very small and fragile.A few trivial things in life can be found when you go to taste, and you will find that there is a lot of philosophy in it.

The wonderful place of life is here, through a small thing that makes me think of life, perhaps in your appearance, but I think it is interesting, it is worth thinking. I have a anni blue bike, very beautiful, but the mei is a little high for me, and when I sit in my seat, I can't reach it. So when I got out of the car, the leg was slow to get down from the side, which caused a lot of inconvenience, and there was a traffic jam on the road, that is the most headache. In a piece of exercise, I finally adapted to the Macheng.

One week in the afternoon, I went to buy vegetables on a streetcar, and my mother shared some weight, and I rode my bike leisurely, and Jin Li was singing an unknown tune. Suddenly, I saw xueyouge's 90 degrees, and a lot of cars, suddenly reminded me of my terrible experience at the age of 11.At the door of my house there are few people, I am here, cycling, there is a lot of sand on the road. I fell down and I was in the car over there.I was afraid that I fell heavily on the ground, the lion and the gravel of the water, and finally I stood up, and brought the mineral water out, fresh and refreshing, the saying is good. I will never let go of my last mistake.So this time I decided to push the car down, but when I was ready to get out of the car, a group of the cars tripped, and I fell to the ground at the same time. The car was sandwiched between my legs and I stood up again. I didn't hurt, because even if I could not stop the pain, I continued to ride my car with my father to buy food.

Until now I've got Liu Yong's scars on my feet. After 1 and 1 fall, I suddenly understand that life and riding a car is the same, the path of life is impossible, doomed to a lot of difficulties and obstacles. No matter how difficult it is, as long as we can be brave, strong to overcome it, our future is bright, and life is full of sunshine. We are not afraid of stone, but we are afraid that we dare not go through the stone.




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