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A thought-provoking social experiment_一个发人深省的社会实验作文250字

2020-01-10 16:30:01

Today I saw a video, an experiment by a Hong Kong man called Joke, to test how people react to seeing someone else's lost wallet. The test took place in India and Dubai, where the results were very different. First is India, many people saw a wallet lying on the ground in their pockets, they first take a look at the loss of her purse, around and see if anyone noticed their behavior, then they pretend that nothing has happened, and walked away. Joke did more than a dozen experiments in India, but only one child and a young girl returned their purse."we must not lose our wallets in India,"jokes concluded. But in Dubai, everyone returned their wallets, yes, everyone! Joke tells you: dubai has a lot of people to trust. Of course, this experiment can only represent the character of some people.

Many netizens think that indians do this because they are too poor, but dubai people are rich, so they don't care. But I don't think so. I think Dubai people are rich because they are honest and not selfish. Indians, on the other hand, will only grow poorer because of their selfishness.


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  1. 2020-11-19 16:39猪是飞的[福建省网友]IP:1729372404


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