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Toys older than you_比你大的玩具作文250字

2020-01-10 16:30:01

Toys are our good friends,they grow up with us. Do you like toys? Do you know the age of these toys? Let's take a look at these toys, some of them are older than your grandparents!

First of all, Optimus Prime, now 30, is the main character in the cartoon Transformers. He is strong and brave.

The second is Barbie, which is already 55 years old. Many girls like to play with Barbie dolls. Barbie has many beautiful and fashionable clothes. Barbie dolls appear in many movies, such as Toy Story 3.

You must know lego! Lego is famous! They are 65 years old, and lego toys have different shapes. There are some humanoid toys, some building blocks, and some transportation.

Finally, Hello Kitty, who is 40 years old and has a birthday on November 1. Many people may think it's just a kitten, but in fact, she's a lovely girl!




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