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My friend_我的朋友英语作文200字

2020-01-13 07:30:01

I have a lot of friends in Simon English School. One of them is my best friend. His name is boyd.

He and I are both thirteen years old. but I am older than he, and I am fatter than he too. He is shorter than I, and he is thinner than I. He wears a pair of glasses but I don't.

He likes to eat pocket-food, and he is a gentleman in a sense that when he has pock-food he will share them with us.

He and I are in the same school and in the same class. So, we can help each other. We alway play in the school together. he likes to do things I like. He lives in the Ningbo Jiangdong, so he hardly came to my home in Zhenghai but I alway go to his home on weekends and he sometimes will come to my home on weekends. Sometimes we will fight but we alway get along well.

His mother is a doctor in the Li-Hui-Li hospital and I know where her office is. His father is a worker in the Bei-Lun power plant. He is a head of a group. So, his father has a lot of work to do.

He and I are in the same school. We usually have a good time so he is my best friend.









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