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The Titanic_泰坦尼克号读后感英语作文350字

2020-01-19 12:00:02

The Titanic_泰坦尼克号读后感英语作文350字

I watched The Titanic today. In fact, I have seen it two times. It is the third time for me to watch it. I saw this film with my elder female cousin when I was young. I remember that she cried when Rose and Jack jumped into the sea. I didn’t know why she cried. I just wondered how cold it is! The sea was very cold and it was colder at night. I thought it must be a disaster film at that moment because many bodies floating on the sea.

I saw it second time when I graduated from middle school. I had nothing to do on that summer holiday. So I decided to see one or two films every day. I wanted to cry when I see Rose and Jack jumped into the sea. Then Jack made Rose lay on a wooden board. He wanted Rose to marry with other man if she was still alive. I cried when Rose released Jack’s hands and promised to Jack. Then Jack sank into the sea. I thought I knew why my cousin cried then. The love between Jack and Rose was very touching.

This time I noticed other people. People were scared when the water rushed into the ship. They decided to make women and children go on lifeboats because there were no enough lifeboats. Rose’s fiancé gave money to a sailor so that he could go on the lifeboat. However, the sailor refused and threw the money on his face. At last, he go on the lifeboat with a little girl. I think he was selfish. However, some people on the ship were warm-hearted. The band still performed before the ship sank into the sea. An old couple lay on the bed and the water around their bed. And a mother told stories to her children. It shows us human nature when disaster happened.

The Titanic is one of the most classic movies. I think it never goes out of style. In my opinion, some film should be seen several times. Then you will have different feelings.




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