趣文网 > 诗词鉴赏 > 小学五年级作文


2020-04-24 13:27:01



My brother was an avid fan. To ask what he had seen the film, that you mention it, may be three days and three nights have lots to talk about miles.

Once district play an old-fashioned film, only the younger brother with interest, he would like to see. Asked for a ticket with others in preparation for the next day to see. Who would have thought but it began to rain cats and dogs the next day, we all do not want to Mao Zhaoyu go, my brother does, where he loudly shouted: "Oh, well, you do not, I am a man to go." Where we are assured that he was a man, if wandered off, how won! Therefore, we had to take him. Watching movies, and I, and aunt are all sleepy, yawning repeatedly, and only one person seen with relish his younger brother, has been applauded.

Brother, and therefore a lot of jokes uttered. Once, a language lesson, the teacher in order to allow everyone to punctuation to heart, and asked: "Do you know what sign?", The students have answered, my brother also wanted to, the teacher asked him to answer, he said: "There Titan No. Nick! "class froze a few seconds, and then laughter.



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