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当今 很多青少年拥有手机 而越来越多的长辈因为晚辈在家庭聚会上只顾玩手机却不和他

2020-05-04 08:36:01

It was Grandpa’s birthday party. It was not easy to have his children and grandchildren all back home together. But they just busied themselves in playing their cellphones, totally ignoring their grandpa, who let out a deep sigh and left the party. There is no doubt that cellphones have a negative impact on our lives. Heavy use of cellphones actually widens the distance between teenagers and their elders, leaving the elders more lonely. Worse still, addition to cellphones might also leads to teenagers’ poor performance at school, which adds to elders’ worries. As far as I’m concerned, it’s necessary to limit the time we spend using cellphones. And I attach great importance to communicating with our family members face to face, which helps build a harmonious family atmosphere.试题分析:题目要求根据所给图画写一篇英语短文,主要突出手机对青少年的影响。可以分三段来写。第一段客观描述图画所示现象;第二段分析这种现象出现的原因;第三段给出自己的建议。注意用第一人称进行写作,正确运用时态、从句、倒装等语法知识;注意单词拼写和标点符号的正确使用。亮点说明范文使用了固定句型:It was not easy to have his children;There is no doubt that...;it’s necessary to limit the time...等;范文注意使用But,Worse still,As far as I’m concerned来衔接前后句和上下文,使文章显得紧凑;范文使用了较多的定语从句:who let out a deep sigh and left the party;which adds to elders’ worries;we spend using cellphones;which helps build a harmonious family atmosphere等,语法知识运用灵活、得当;另外,范文还使用了较多的固定搭配:busied themselves in playing...;have a negative impact on our lives;leads to;attach great importance to communicating with...;face to face等,使文章内容充实,有说服力;范文还使用了现在分词短语totally ignoring their grandpa;leaving the elders more lonely作伴随状语。 马上分享给同学

当今 很多青少年拥有手机 而越来越多的长辈因为晚辈在家庭聚会上只顾玩手机却不和他们聊天感到失落万分。请根据下图写一篇英语短文。内容要点如下: 1. 描述图画所反映的事



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