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2020-05-08 17:15:01

短文写作评讲 (一)家庭成员介绍篇 单词拼写错误: grandfa present bueatiful grandprents worm grandfather grandpa parents beautiful grandparents warm 短语表达错误 1.my family photo大部分同学 2.I am middle of my grandparents.齐嘉宁 3.she is about 87 years old.齐嘉宁 I am five old years.杨铭 4.He likes drink tea and draw pictures. He very likes science.张晋祥 5.She is a hand teacher.张晋祥 6.He sometimes comes to home.张雅雯 a photo of my family in the middle of 87 years old 87 year old +n. like doing sth. headteacher 句型表达错误 1.My mother is sit beside my father. 2. I m stay near the two old people. 3.My grandma is left for me. 4.This is my family it warm and happy. 5. I love my family, love my father and mother, love my family s everything ,too. 6.My grandmother is no work. 7.They are like playing chess very much. 刘畅、王序瑶 1.There is my father,my mother,my grandmother,my grandfather and I. 2. My grandmother is on my left, she is very old, she is about 87 years old. 3.The young woman is my mother,she is very beautiful. 4.The top of two people are my parents.表达有误 齐嘉宁 周意 标点符号大问题 1.He often with my to playing. 2. He very hardly. 3.My grandmother very funny. 4.And be front of me is my father and mother. 5.Near me is my old present. 张家燃 孔令通 朱雨悦 这样的表达,老师也是醉了 主谓一致问题 1.He often go to the other country.张雅雯 2.I am is student.张雅雯 3.The two old people is my grandmother and grand father. 张一萌、张家燃 4.She often cook a lot of food for me.张家燃 5.I am a students.张晋祥 短文写作评讲 (二)好友介绍篇 单词拼写错误: listeing 张家燃 favourit张雅雯 quite刘畅 kindly周意 he s hobby 齐嘉宁 diffcult周意 listening favourite quiet kind his hobby difficult 主格、宾格、形代傻傻分不清 1.I like she very much.张一萌 2.He best hobby is play football.张家燃 3.He name is Pater.杨铭 4. Her looks very nice.Her likes running,swimming张雅雯 4.She is taller than I. She favourite subject is maths.朱雨悦 her His favorite hobby is playing His she me Her 单三,又是单三总是记不住! 1.She feel the math are very difficult. She always draw pictures with me. 周意 3.My best friends is Jim.齐嘉宁、张晋祥 4.He play basketball everyday. 张晋祥 5. He want to be a teacher. He always go to school by bike.刘畅 1.She is hate music class.朱雨悦 2. He is study very hard.齐嘉宁 3.But he is study well than me.齐嘉宁 4.Someting she reading books with me.张一萌 5.We often playing football at the school.张家燃 6.On weekend, we usually reading and writing get together.王序瑶 那些雷死老师的句子 1He likes say Paure is ture .张晋祥 2. He very thin,but he very tall.孔令通 3.He is very kinds.张晋祥 4.Her name is one.周意 那些雷死老师的句子 短文写作评讲 (三)人物介绍 张晋祥 1.He is forty year old. 2.and always help us English. 3.He doesn t make smoke. 4.Students are like his classes. 5.We like he very much. 王序瑶 1.He is good at talk with students. 2.After class he usually helps us learn English. 3.We love him very much. 朱雨悦 1.His class is very interesting. 2.And the class in the end he usually teaches us English. 3.He likes playing chess. 刘畅:改错的范文!! 1.He well with us. be good with get on well with sb. 2.His class is very interesting. 3.After class,he usually helps us with our learn English. 4.He likes sports and playing chess. 5.The students love him very much. 张家然 1.He is better to students than other teacher. He is good with students. 2.We likes him very much and want him to teach us English every day. 3.Do you like a teacher like him ,too? 张雅雯 1.I study in a very good school. 2.Some students like him very much. 3.His class is very interesting. 4.He often helps us with our English. 5.He likes sports.And he often plays the chess. 6.My classmates like him. 孔令通 1.All the Students like him. 2.After class he often helps us learn English. 齐嘉宁 1.After class,he always helps us with English. 2.He never smokes. 3.He is kind. 4.What about your English? 短文写作评讲 (四)叙事篇 张雅雯 1.We look some science it nice. We visited some robots in the science museum. They were great. 朱雨悦 1.We went to Beijing. 2.There were all kinds of flowers and we ate so much food. 3.In the end we left Beijing. We went home. 刘畅:写作再创新高! On May Day, My parents took me to the Hainan. Hai Nan was very beautiful. There were many trees and beautiful beach. We could swim in the sea, and played on the beach, and slept on the chair. There were much fruit for examplesuch asthe Mangoes,strawberries, and watermelons. The sea was blue and big. The sky was blue. We went home in May. It was a very interesting trip. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th



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