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关于爱心 About Care

2020-05-17 12:15:01

With the development of Internet, when people are in trouble, they can get help by launching the loving care project, then the public will donate money to them. It is the popular way to get help today. We see the famous stars joining all kinds of care projects and the news report about some ordinary people offer a little help. All of them do the same great thing.随着互联网的发展,当人们遇到困境时,他们可以通过发起众筹而得到帮助,然后大家就会把钱捐给他们。这是今天获取帮助最流行的方式。我们会看到著名的明星参加各种各样的爱心项目,而也报道了一些普通人提供的小小帮助。但是他们都做着同样伟大的事情。People are easy to be attracted by the big numbers, so when the news report the big money donated by some people, they will be impressed and remember the name. But as I grow up, I understand that love and care shouldnt be measured by numbers. For example, if a mother spends some money to buy one thing that her child needs, the rich mother will buy the expensive one while the poor mother will buy the cheap one, but the love for the children are equal. So there is no need to compare about numbers.人们很容易被巨大的数字所吸引,所以当报道有人捐了大笔钱时,他们会被打动并记住这个名字。但随着我的成长,我明白爱和关心不应该用数字来衡量。例如,如果一个母亲给她孩子买样必需品,有钱的妈妈会买昂贵的,没钱的妈妈会买便宜的,但是她们对孩子的爱是平等的。所以没有必要对数字进行比较。We should be grateful to the one who helps us or cares about us. Love is equal, no matter people show it in what way.我们应该感谢每一个帮助或关心过我们的人。爱是平等的,无论以何种方式表现出来。 查看全文



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